Emerging Humanity

Emerging Humanity [Video]

Emerging Humanity [Video]

This video, METAPHORmosis, translates a message that was originally put forth by the author/public speaker/creative consultant, Norie Huddle, and further substantiated by the biologist and futurist, Elisabet Sahtouris. Using imagery, music and words it tells the story of a great shift in consciousness and reality that is occurring on planet earth. Following an example from the biological world, this video parallels the transformation that occurs in the metamorphosis from caterpillar to butterfly with the socio-eco-spiritual transformation that is occurring all over the world as we speak.


Plug Into Our Conversation With Elisabet Sahtouris on November 27, 2014


Elisabet Sahtouris, M.S., Ph.D is an evolution biologist, futurist, professor, speaker, author and sustainability consultant to businesses, government agencies and other organizations. She is a US and Greek citizen living in Spain while lecturing, doing workshops and media appearances in Europe, North, Central and South America, the MidEast, Asia and Australia/New Zealand.

Dr. Sahtouris received a B.F.A. from Syracuse University, an M.S. from Indiana University and a Ph.D. from Dalhousie University in Canada. She held post-doctoral research grants at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City and at Massachusetts General Hospital, taught at the Mass. Institute of Technology (MIT), the University of Massachusetts and the Bainbridge Graduate Institute´s MBA program.

Dr. Sahtouris was a science writer for the NOVA-HORIZON TV series, (WGBH Boston/ BBC London), a UN Consultant on indigenous peoples, in China under the auspices of the Chinese National Science Organization, is a Fellow of the World Business Academy and holder of its Elisabet

Sahtouris Chair in Living Economies and is an advisor to Ethical Markets. She was a regular columnist for Mitsubishi ex-CEO’sTachi Kiuchi’s newsletter The Bridge, published in Tokyo for the Japanese Parliament and business leadership and co-convened two international symposia on the Foundations of Science in Hokkaido, Japan and Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Dr. Sahtouris participated in two invitational dialogues with HH the Dalai Lama in Dharamsala, India and in the Vatican, Rome, and is one of the people identified as Cultural Creatives in the book of that title by Paul Ray and Sherry Anderson. She is a member of the Evolutionary Leaders and of Rising Women; Rising World.

Speaking/Consulting Venues include:

  • United Nations, New York
  • Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC
  • Environmental Protection Agency, Washington DC
  • The World Bank, Washington, DC
  • The Santa Fe Institute
  • Siemens International Management Seminar, Stanford University
  • Boeing Management, St. Louis
  • State of the World Forums in San Francisco and New York.
  • Tokyo Dome Stadium
  • Sao Paulo’s Getulio Vargas Business University
  • UNIMED Foundation in Brasilia
  • National Tax Office of Australia, Canberra
  • New Zealand Gov’t Dept of Environment
  • Australian Public Relations Institute
  • TamChang University in Taiwan
  • World Futures Society and Foundation for the Future
  • Bahrain Banking Conference
  • World Parliament of Religions, S. Africa
  • First Rand Banks, S. Africa
  • Netherlands Government, all Depts
  • TEDx Hamburg, Germany
  • TEDx Marrakech, Morocco
  • Sri Lanka Ethical Clothing Design Conference
  • London Alternatives (and other venues in London)
  • Knight-Ridder Publications
  • Scientists & Sages Conference, San Diego
  • Science & NonDuality, San Francisco and Amsterdam
  • Voyage of Aloha Conference, Honolulu, by Wld. Bus. Acad & J. Campbell Fdn
  • Xynteo Foundation’s annual retreat for corporate execs and board members


— EarthDance: Living Systems in Evolution, iUniverse, 2000
— Biology Revisioned, co-authored with Willis Harman, North Atlantic & IONS, 1998
— A Walk Thru Time: From Stardust to Us, Wiley: New York 1998
— GAIA: the Human Journey from Chaos to Cosmos, Pocketbooks NY 1989, editions in English, Greek, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch and Danish.
Book Chapters in:
— A New Renaissance: Transforming Science, Spirit and Society, edit. D. Lorimer and O. Robinson, Floris Books, London, 2010
— Five Questions that Change Everything, Scherer, John, Imagine Books, 2009
— Mind Before Matter: Visions of a New Science of Consciousness, edit. T. Pfeiffer and J. Mack, O Books 2007
— Be the Change: Action and Reflection from People Changing Our World, Trenna Cormack, Love Books, Bristol, UK 2007
— Science and the Re-enchantment of the Cosmos, Laszlo, Ervin, Inner Traditions 2006
— When Worlds Converge, Matthews, C.N., Tucker, M.E., Hefner, P.E., Open Court, Chicago 2002
— Gaia in Action, edit. P.Bunyard (The Gaia Controversy: A Case for the Earth as an Evolving Organism) 1996.
— Roads to Ecology, Quest books, Wheaton Illinoi, 1994s
— Visions for the 21st Century, Ed. Moorcroft, Adamantine Press, London, 1992
— CHINA: Science Walks on Two Legs, Avon, NY 1975, co-authored
Articles & Interviews (too numerous to list , see www.sahtouris.com for a selection
—Dalai Lama Renaissance
—I AM the Documentary by Tom Shadyac
—The Money Fix
—Death by Medicine
—Thrive —Occupy Love
—Femme —Money & Life
—Love Thy Nature


Elisabet Sahtouris, Ph.D.
Cami es Verger 7-C
Deia, Mallorca 07179 Spain
tel: +34 971 636 234
e-mail: elisabet@sahtouris.com
website: www.sahtouris.com

Our Upcoming Interview With Evolutionary Biologist and Futurist Elisabet Sahtouris November 27, 2014

Elisabet Sahtouris

Elisabet Sahtouris

We have created a perfect storm of crises and we have to grow up, it’s as simple as that. It is time for humans to reach the mature cooperative phase.

Mutual Responsibility’s panelists will be talking to Evolutionary Biologist and Futurist Elisabet Sahtouris on:

In this interview with Mutual Responsibility, Elisabet will be revealing the secrets to human co-existence.

Elisabet inspires us to understand the universe as a conscious, living system.  She draws on the world of living systems to give examples of how change is ever-occurring in nature, and how we are all interconnected in ways that we have only just begun to understand.

She has studied algae which has covered the Earth in its first 2 billion years, to find that there’s a maturation cycle of all life, and is trying to use this information as a blueprint for how humans should live.

Don’t miss out on this one!

Be there to connect with us!

We have only 100 seats available.

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What Is It?

This is a 60 minute live interview broadcast with Elisabet Sahtouris, Evolutionary Biologist and Futurist.

With Q&A, we’ll dive right into the secrets of human co-existence in a way that’s easy to understand.

If time allows, this event will also give you the opportunity to ask your own questions, share your thoughts,

Ideas and struggles in the chat and leave with even greater ideas and solutions.

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What Topics Will be Covered?

This broadcast is an example of a more dynamic interview with Elisabet. Elisabet inspires us to understand the universe as a conscious, living system.

She draws from the world of living systems to give examples of how change is ever-occurring in nature, and how we are all inter-connected in ways that we have only just begun to understand.

She has studied algae which has covered Earth in its first 2 billion years to find that there is a maturation cycle of all life, and is trying to use this information as a blueprint for how humans should live.

The schedule will be driven by Q&A from Mutual Responsibility’s panelists addressed to Elisabet.

Elisabet will be happy to answer your questions. You will have your chance to write down your question in the chat and our friendly moderator will select the questions and read them out should time allow.

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Who Is This For?

This interview brings together other like-minded people from all walks of life, members of the MR community.

We are all driven by the same desire to help build and facilitate global integral education, helping humanity to adapt to the integral natural system.

All panelists have interest in “Systemic thinking”, looking at our world as an interconnected, integral system.

This interest brought these people together to MR.

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Reserve Your Seat

There are only 100 seats.

You can reserve your seat starting today and join us as soon as we kick-off on Thursday, November 27 at 3:00 PM till 4:00 PM EST (NY Time) [Time Zone Converter].

Prepare. Find out more about Elisabet here:

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Biologist Elisabet Sahtouris Finds Evolutionary Purpose In Crisis

Humans within this planet now are the newest experience of the universe in what, biologically, always seems to come down to cycles: of unity to individuation, through which arises conflict, negotiations happen, cooperation is arrived at; and we go to unity again at the next higher level.

And that’s why the story of evolution is so important today, to help us understand where humanity is, and what is our next step.” 

Elisabet Sahtouris PhD, Evolutionary Biologist and Futurist

Source: Interview excerpt from Thinking Allowed with Jeffrey Mishlove [9 min. video]

Humans Not the First to Create a “World Wide Web”

In her book EarthDance: Living Systems in Evolution, Sahtouris describes the evolutionary cycle of other species who, like humans today, transitioned through highly competitive phases of development:

When we look anew at evolution, we see not only that other species have been as troublesome as ours, but that many a fiercely competitive situation resolved itself in a cooperative scheme.

The kind of cells our bodies are made of,  for example, began with the same kind of exploitation among bacteria that characterizes our historic human imperialism….. In fact, those ancient bacteria invented technologies of energy production, transportation and communications, including a World Wide Web still in existence today, during their competitive phase and then used those very technologies to bind themselves into the cooperative ventures that made our own existence possible.

In the same way, we are now using essentially the same technologies, in our own invented versions, to unite ourselves into a single body of humanity that may make yet another new step in Earth’s evolution possible.

If we look to the lessons of evolution, we will gain hope that the newly forming worldwide body of humanity may also learn to adopt cooperation in favor of competition. The necessary systems have already been invented and developed; we lack only the understanding, motive, and will to use them consciously in achieving a cooperative species maturity.”

Is Darwin’s Theory of Evolution Incomplete?

In the following video excerpt of an interview with Sahtouris, she explains how Darwin’s theory only describes the competitive stage of each evolutionary cycle:

Watch Video Excerpt [from 6:42 to 9:18]

Image courtesy of Wellcome Images