by Irinaru
The Heart picked up a brush and looked to the Eyes – What do you see?
The Eyes turned to the Mind and asked – What do you think?
The Mind gazed into the Heart – What do you feel? The Heart wept – I am broken.
The Eyes went dark – I can’t see.
The Mind erected a wall – I will protect you.
The Heart hid behind the wall and started to paint, blind.
It painted what the eyes saw – a dark nothing.
It painted grief. It painted fear. It painted loneliness. It painted agony.
Then the Heart paused, tired and cold – I need.
The Mind spoke – What do you need?
Give me Love!
The Mind searched – It is not here.
Eyes, do you see Love?
No. I see other broken hearts.
They too are painting on their walls.
The Heart cried out – Show me!
The Mind ordered – Open your eyes!
The Heart moved. The Eyes unlocked.
This is Love! Take me to them!
The Mind busted the wall. It fell away, brick by brick.
The Heart picked up a brush and looked to the Eyes – what do you see?
The Eyes turned to the Mind – What do you think?
The Mind gazed into the Heart – What do you feel?
The Heart laughed – I AM WHOLE!
The Eyes burst out light.
The light spread over the mind.
The Heart started to paint.
It painted what the Eyes saw – Infinity.
It painted Love. It painted Love. It painted Love.
The Human emerged.
I Love – Therefore I Am.
I am deeply touched; this is what we all want to attain – Infinite Love.
Thank you!