What The Kids Are Saying: We R All One

we are all one

we are all one

Currently on our planet most people imagine themselves to be separate from each other, living in separate families or clans, gathered in separate neighborhoods or states, collected in separate nations or countries, further separate by race, skin color, religion, gender, political party, social class, and the list goes on. This could be called the state of the disunion because we believe that we are separate.”

As a result, we have been missing the mark in our attempts to create a world of peace, harmony, and happiness. The truth is, we are all one… we are seeing that this idea of separation is an illusion. Our belief in disunity is the cause of all dysfunction on our planet. Nothing that exists in the universe is separate from anything else.”

What we are saying is that the wisdom of oneness is not just a touchy feely, feel good, new age catchphrase anymore… it is a precise description of the nature of ultimate reality… we are deeply connected to all of life.”

We are on a magnificent journey from me to we.”

Image: “we are all one” by Jesslee Cuizon on Flickr.

The Deeper Message Behind A Dr. Seuss Childhood Classic


Christmas Day is in our grasp, as long as we have hands to clasp!

Christmas Day will always be, just as long, as we have we!

Welcome Christmas while we stand, heart to heart, and hand in hand!”

–Dr. Seuss

Whoever grew up in North America in the mid 60’s/70’s surely remembers our favorite famous Grinch friend from the story land of Dr.Seuss. That favorite childhood classic carries even a deeper message than what we could possibly imagine and can easily be applied as a source of medication for endless social crisis issues we are experiencing today.

As in this clip suggests, that even after the Grinch managed to take away all the Whoviller’s worldy material possessions, decorations, feastly foods etc., he still was unable to destroy their festive atmosphere because they had one another. Because the Whoville residents were connected to each other through their hearts. That meant that even all of a sudden though it appeared that they had lost everything and perhaps this should have disturbed their atmosphere and caused stress and  insecurities, it actually produced an even stronger connection because they had each other for support and that is something that can never be replaced or fulfilled by excessive material possessions.

The Grinch, who was an extremely unhappy lonely person because he passed a very hard life and although he appeared so extremely nasty and ugly on the surface, and did not have the tools to connect properly to others such as the Whoville residents,  had to steal their possessions and try to destroy their festivities in order to feel he was of worth, because this was also motivated by emotions and so he tried to express himself  the only way he knew how.

And when all of a sudden that “Butterfly Effect” atmosphere radiating out from the village with all those Whoers holding hands and singing just triggered a reaction inside of him in such a radiating positive light that it started to melt the stony walls around his heart and caused him to connect together with the circle of Whovillers.

There are deep messages in the story of The Grinch Who Stole Christmas and this is something we can apply all year long and not just at Christmas time.

We too can expand our “Whoville” circles of sharing and caring outside of our family and close friends. With so much pain and separation washing over our global home, we too can “Butterfly Effect” the Whoviller’s actions and make an effort together to mutually build a safer caring and sharing “Who World”!

What Kind Of World Do We Market To Our Youth?

This is a lot more  then about selling products and services. This is about the direction we are going as a culture, as a society, and as human beings.”

Many practitioners of the social sciences have performed extensive  research today, which concludes the powerful influences from our surrounding environments and its affects on our choices, feelings, thoughts and behavioral  patterns. One of our major sources of influence comes from  digital media technology which surrounds us 24/7. Our youth generation eat, drink, play, go to sleep and wake up with it. As a matter of fact today, children and teens are the number one demographic target for spending on the latest manipulative marketing techniques.

We need in a proactive forward looking way, as a society, need to say… ‘How is this changing us? How is this changing our environment? How is this changing our society? And do we want this?'”

Consuming Kids: The Commercialization Of Childhood [Trailer]

We need to look at this as a systematic problem, as a a social cultural problem and say we need to protect children from corporate marketing… What does this mean for our well-being? For their well-being?” 

We have become a country that places a lower priority on our children’s emotional, cognitive, social, even spiritual development, then it does on training them to be consumers.This is a lot more than about selling products and services. This is about the direction we are going as a culture, as a society, and as human beings.”

Children See, Children Do

Children See, Children Do


This video illustrates what our future may look like, depending on the examples we give to others.

Children learn by example, and so do adults.

This knowledge is true power, but have we been using it for good or bad?

Children See, Children Do

“Children learn by trying to do something, by failing, and by being told about or by copying some new behavior that has better results. This perspective is founded on the simple but central insight that children are trying to do something rather than to know something. In other words, they are learning by doing.” – Dr. Roger Schank, from Engines for Education

“The idea of public education depends absolutely on the existence of shared narratives and the exclusion of narratives that lead to alienation and divisiveness. What makes public schools public is not so much that the schools have common goals but that the students have common gods. The reason for this is that public education does not serve a public. It creates a public.” – Dr. Neil Postman, from The End Of Education

“Human history becomes more and more a race between education and catastrophe.” – H.G Wells

3 Tips For Your Child To Build A Powerful Brain

The concern with very young children is that, as human beings we have a competitive advantage over the rest of the animal world by the virtue of the fact that we are born with, essentially, a fetal brain.

Our brain gets to develop in response to the environment in which it needs to function. So though we are helpless and completely dependent on our parents for survival at birth, we get to build an architecture that is most efficient for dealing with the world we live in.

What we know about that is that 3 things seem to be very important to building very powerful brains:

Bonding with other human beings: relating to mommy, interacting, developing relationships.
Manipulating the physical environment: stacking up blocks or getting a cheerio into your mouth.

Open-ended problem solving, creative type of plays: so a blank piece of paper and crayons, or a piece of clay, are very good.”

Michael Rich, MD, MPH, Director for the Center of Media and Child Health, in the video below in this post How Young Is Too Young To Watch Television? discusses the highly influential role of media – television, books, movies, video games and music – in children’s development, health and behavior.

Watch the video:

Image: Child’s Eye by apdk