Patch Adams’ Revolution

There is little point in discussing the way each one of us should change, since everybody is shaped by their immediate environment: family, school, and society. If, however, we begin to act as if we are playing a pleasant game called “altruism”, it will become the most engaging and profound game we have ever played – a life-changing one, which is so much fun that we will gladly dedicate all our free time to building a good environment, founded on mutual responsibility. And our ego will have no choice but to release us to this task, since all it cares about is feeling pleasure.

This shouldn’t require much effort for it is easy to change when motivated by each other’s support. We need only agree to mutual responsibility, which is our “red carpet” to the future we all desire, the reality of balance, peace, prosperity, and security. Responsibility is an ability to choose how we respond to our egoism, and at this stage of our individual and collective evolution we are required to start using it to serve our common interest. 

J.C. Pearce “Biological and Spiritual Growth”

Optimal development in children is thwarted by a variety of factors from modern hospital delivery methods to the educational system itself. Joseph Chilton Pearce, author of The Crack in the Cosmic Egg and Magical Child, suggests that current problems with child rearing are so immense, that they are virtually insolvable. However, parents who are truly concerned must begin by discovering within themselves the spiritual nature of love.

The Wisdom Series

Joseph Chilton Pearce pioneers the first of the TMI Wisdom Series. Joe is an author of a number of books on child development. Here, he presents the idea of the heart, or compassionate mind, as another categorization of brain function with equal stature as the thalamus, prefrontal cortex, and lower brain. He believes that active, imaginative play is the most important of all childhood activities because that cultivates a mastery of one’s environment. He coins the term “creative competence” to discuss that mastery. Further, children without that form of play develop feelings of isolation and anxiety. He also believes that child-parent bonding is important, and blames both a lack of breastfeeding and modern childbirth as obstructive to that bonding.


Humans, as a result of their development over thousands of years, have come to the conclusion that they can have everything and yet have nothing.

The Kindness Boomerang [Video]

The Kindness Boomerang [Video]

Watch as the camera tracks an act of kindness as its passed from one individual to the next and manages to boomerang back to the person who set it into motion.

The Kindness Boomerang [Video]

“I have now reached the point where I may indicate briefly what to me constitutes the essence of the crisis in our time. It concerns the relationship of the individual to society. The individual has become more conscious than ever of his dependence upon society. But he does not experience this dependence as a positive asset, as an organic tie, as a protective force, but rather as a threat to his natural rights, or even to his economic existence. Moreover, his position in society is such that the egotistical drives of his make-up are constantly being accentuated, while his social drives, which are by nature weaker, progressively deteriorate. All human beings, whatever their position in society, are suffering from this process of deterioration. Unknowingly prisoners of their own egotism, they feel insecure, lonely, and deprived of the naive, simple and unsophisticated enjoyment of life. Man can find meaning in life, short and perilous as it is, only through devoting himself to society.” – Albert Einstein

How Television Works

Devon Grey’s new trilogy, The Corporate Media Survival Guide introduces viewers to television’s hidden technology and the unspoken corporate agenda that surrounds it.
Segmented into five informative and entertaining sections, ‘How Television Works’ is a must see for anyone curious about who controls television, why producers alter their programming to appease corporate sponsors, and what detrimental effects television has on human brain chemistry, attention span and behavior.

Re-thinking Progress: The Circular Economy

Opinion: (N. Moiseev, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences): “I hope that in the near future our teachers will have the need for the propaedeutic [preparatory study or instruction] course “Contemporary Understanding of the World.” This is due to the fact that the crisis in the relations between nature and society is growing, and the social demand for education, which is far beyond the narrow professionalism, is increasing as well.

“A modern person must see the world in its entirety. Only the understanding of ​​a general logic of the development of the world in which we live will help overcome the disastrous consequences of the relentlessly approaching crisis and perhaps even avoid it!

“Such a course should precede the studying of social sciences and philosophy, for which it is a necessary introduction. It is particularly necessary to the future experts in the humanities and social sciences, for whom the natural sciences and ecology are on the periphery of their interests.

“Future engineers and physicists also need it because the natural sciences and engineering departments lack the general knowledge about the processes of development of the contemporary world and the processes of cognition, although these professionals will have to solve many problems of modern ecology, politics, and ethics.”



Heal The World

This song was inspired by the 9/11 Tragedy. It was written to honor my fellow citizens who lost their lives; also the first responders and countless other heroes who have made great sacrifices to keep our country safe.