![David Bowden - The Inner Net [Poem]](https://mutualresponsibility.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/the-inner-net_david-bowden_750x260.png)
The Inner Net – David Bowden
Woven into each and everyone of us there is
an inner net
We connect
To each other
Thread to Thread
Cell to Cell
Heart to Heart
When formed correctly the net forms community
And we catch boat loads of life
We all yearn to be hewn[1] in this collection
For it is the human connection
It’s the reason why we have eyes, tongues, and lips
So we can be intertwined together as we see, speak and kiss
It’s the reason why we have right and left hands
So when my right reaches your left
Pinkies, rings, middles, pointers, and thumbs interconnect
In the loom of the human thread
But we have become disconnected
By nations and nationalities
Language and legalities
Wars and quarantines
Prejudices and bigotry [2]
The net of humanity
Has been severed severely
As we cut ourselves off
In the pursuit of individuality
And in the midst of this shrinking world sensation
Many are placing the blame on
As we burrow into browsers
Unplug by plugging in for hours
Miss blue skies while working in the cloud
Laugh out loud without laughing out loud
Humanity seems to be disconnecting
At the one point in history when it is the most connected
But just as to the good we are not entirely compliant [3]
Nor entirely resistant
Neither is this tool entirely consistent
For the problems of our world used to be too big and too distant
To connect to and know of its widespread existence
But now our world is too small and too close for us not to make a difference
We can now connect
Crowds around a cause
The ignorant to knowledge
The isolated to college
Orphans to their fathers
Donors to non-profits
And injustices to those who can stop it
We can now see
Our newborn nephew
A revolution breakthrough
The troops as they withdrew
Uncensored world news
And what is and isn’t untrue
We can now hear
Cries from Thailand
Shouts from Somalia
And can shove our arms, elbow-deep,
Through our screens, reach out,
And touch them
But so often
We use this tool to ignore them
And the rest of those humans
For just as fire can be used for warmth or destruction
We misuse url’s, firewalling off the world with distractions
We search daily, but find nothing
Add friends, but lose community
Look for love but get pornography
Try to discover ourselves, but lose our identity
And though this entity is filled with both
Healing and brokenness
Guilt and innocence
Some of what’s Godly
And some of what’s Devilish
That does not detract from its significance
When it comes down to it
The true nature of this new age unit
Is in how we use it
Woven into each and everyone of us there is an inner net
And I pray we may stitch our world back together
As we knit, patch, and connect
[1] hewn: shaped
[2] bigotry: intolerence
[3] compliant: obeying