Hurricane Brings People Together

In Times Of Crisis, People Come Together

Hurricane Brings People Together

As Hurricane Sandy descended on the U.S. East Coast, a group of activists, a global climate campaign, gathered together and unfurled a giant parachute banner with the words “End Climate Silence” to increase awareness of the climate crisis.

If there is something to be learned from all the natural disasters befalling humanity in recent times, it is that natural disasters force people to put their daily routines aside and come together to help each other in the presence of a much larger nature coming down on us.

Here at, we would like to collect any stories, pictures and/or videos of how this hurricane has brought people together in order to emphasize that one way or another, people will need to come together beyond any seeming differences, and the many inspiring stories of human connection when faced by natural disasters shows us how such connection is possible.

Please add your stories, pictures and/or videos in the comment section below…

Children See, Children Do

Children See, Children Do

This video illustrates what our future may look like, depending on the examples we give to others.

Children learn by example, and so do adults.

This knowledge is true power, but have we been using it for good or bad?

Children See, Children Do

“Children learn by trying to do something, by failing, and by being told about or by copying some new behavior that has better results. This perspective is founded on the simple but central insight that children are trying to do something rather than to know something. In other words, they are learning by doing.” – Dr. Roger Schank, from Engines for Education

“The idea of public education depends absolutely on the existence of shared narratives and the exclusion of narratives that lead to alienation and divisiveness. What makes public schools public is not so much that the schools have common goals but that the students have common gods. The reason for this is that public education does not serve a public. It creates a public.” – Dr. Neil Postman, from The End Of Education

“Human history becomes more and more a race between education and catastrophe.” – H.G Wells

This Is Our Life

This Is Our Life

This Is Our Life – one more penny toward changing the social mindset toward values of mutual responsibility by changing the discourse in the media.

We look forward to seeing you Wednesday September 12th, 7:00pm online or in Toronto, where we will have a community discussion on our decreasing quality of life and look for what changes we can put forth to improve the quality of life.

Go Here To Request An Invite »