Whatever parachuted you on our website, you are here for a reason. And the reason is – you have been looking for us, it’s that simple! While you were searching, we have been patiently waiting and are now happy to welcome you on board of our Mutual Responsibility virtual cruiser that will take you “where no one has gone before”. And even if they have, we will sail you even further, to the discovery of answers you probably haven’t found somewhere else.
Our community is a reflection of the challenging and interesting times we are living in, the time of global socio-economic change and evolutionary ascent. It offers abundant evidence that all crises occurring in our life, be it politics, economy, education, family, health, relationships, or self, are due to lack of interdependence, caused by our individual and collective growing egoism and separation from others. We provide diverse scientific and psychological evidence that the only solution to these crises is in connecting on the human level and placing the interests of all above personal gain, applying the principle of mutual responsibility to our relations – where everyone’s interest is considered. We advocate unification of effort in creating an integrated society in the global world, the formation of which we are witnessing today as it emerges through and amidst global unrest. Our objective is to raise awareness of the necessity to merge our goals and aspirations into a common cause for a brighter future and become one wholesome organism, which, we believe, will make everyone and all of us feel safe, loved, and provided for. Such awareness is our next evolutionary step.
If you are here, you have already thought, seen, and felt something similar to what we have; yet, you might find a few novelties that will connect us to you even more. We seek likeminded individuals, families, groups, and communities who are willing and ready to apply conscious choice to how we are going to evolve from now on. If we wish to be the change we wish to see in the world, we must practice mutual responsibility in thought and deed, while learning about the new, integrated world we find ourselves in today. Let’s connect and transform each other; and together, we will emerge as a new, global species – the Homo Spiritus.
It is so great, the work that you are doing here. I love the Roundtable Live events that you have been hosting around the glob. I try and tell everyone I meet and can spark up a conversation with, about MutualResponsability.org. Here we learn that we can come together and help one another to over come any and all of the problems we face in our world today.
Please do not stop, do not give up, never forget that we need Mutual Responsibility if we are ever going to come together as one world, one nation, one group of people that will change the world we live in for ever.
I look forward to the growth of Mutual Responsibility and the one of a kind Roundtable Live events that you help us put together every where around the globe for all people of walks of life to meet on common ground to find a solution of how we can care for each others needs integrally.
OOOOk So this is a bit freaky, am not sure how i got here, but i might have clue. what actually goes on around here?
Frantz Fanon said that, “Each generation must, out of relative obscurity, discover its mission, fulfill it or betray it”. Our mission now is to labour for global cooperation. It is my life mission.There are lots of lessons to be learned from Africans.There traditional life already practices a lot of mutual responsibility. Action cannot be divorced from ideas/words, so I’m already working on a book that will provide the intellectual and emotional framework for an accepting world. I’m glad about my contact with you, and I intend to work with you for the actualization of a new and better world. Thanks!
I’m all about this and totally agree. Please contact me and let me know how me and my non profit company can help. We are based out of North Brunswick, NJ right up the street. We have the potential to reach THOUSANDS and more. Lets get it started. Feel free to email me @ [email protected] or even a faster and much prefered form of communication, call me. 732-484-7710. I look forward to hearing from ya’ll and cant wait to start working with you. We have alot of projects and events in process and about to launch as well, so lets work together and spread this unity, love, and tolorance all over!! PEACE & LOVE.
Rashon Sharp
I often tell people, at the end of the day, all we have is one another. Doesn’t matter how much you make or how famous you are. We need each other in one way or another.
I honestly believe we need to change the path we are on. Why do some have more than others. Why do some countries like Canada have so much more that others. I believe the reason is so that we can take care of the less fortunate. Whether it be fresh water, meds, food, peace keeping or just moral support.
It’s time to wake up in the morning not wanting to see how rich we can become but rather, how can I help someone.
PEACE-LOVE-RESPECT. It’s just that simple!